Leadership Reflections

Just before studying for my MBA, I had the fortune of being connected with a recent graduate of the Jepson School of Leadership Studies who created a nonprofit leadership development program for high school students, supported by college coaches. His name was John Renehan. He and his college buddies created a village for youth development,…

Freedom vs. Slavery

How does money impact the topic of freedom vs. slavery? When you are paid for your labor, it gives you the ability to pay others for their labor. So we can all give and receive. Yet some things are a labor of love – things you would do without pay because they are intrinsically rewarding….

Solution Marketing

I like it when people come to meetings with a solution orientation. By this I mean, an attitude that whatever challenge arises we can consider ways to solve it. It’s much better to hear a proposed solution than someone complaining all the time. While we want to be truthful and practical about where we are…

Multilingual Encounters

Since I live in my husband’s country, a different country than where I grew up, I sometimes find myself speaking a different language to people who don’t know me yet. Sometimes they inadvertently cut me off mid-sentence and say “you can say it in English” very eager to speak in their second language and make…

My Story

My story begins in the second grade. I learned about the civil rights movement, how people of different races have not always had the same ease of moving forward in society, and how women and men haven’t either for that matter. But as I grew I never felt that being a women held me back…