Multilingual Encounters
Since I live in my husband’s country, a different country than where I grew up, I sometimes find myself speaking a different language to people who don’t know me yet.
Sometimes they inadvertently cut me off mid-sentence and say “you can say it in English” very eager to speak in their second language and make me feel more comfortable. To which I respond, in their language, “I would love it if you could please listen as I finish my thought, sometimes it takes a little longer for the words to come out, but they’re coming.” That message is usually received quite nicely and then I can continue my thought in same language it started.
It feels great to say what I mean and mean what I say!
We don’t always need things to be easier. We just need a little vote of confidence and patience from the people around us. It works wonders. At least with me.
So we get to speak in their language, too.
Developing the ability to speak in a foreign language is a truly a privilege.